Written by Priya Faith
14 Dec 2021
Does anyone else feel seen by this Tweet?


Everyone I know is exhausted. Don’t underestimate how stressful and hard the last 2 years have been. Make rest, recuperation, and relaxing your priorities if possible. Be good to yourself."


It's hard to believe the world has faced a pandemic for the best part of 2 years. While I can't speak for others, many people I've talked to have felt as if they're slogging through each day. I FEEL IT!


So, let this be your reminder to take time for yourself. Whether you pick up your favourite book, facetime a friend or book a flight and start a whole new life, be good to yourself.


If you have a self-care tip you want to share with our community, please hit reply and let us know! The world is collectively healing, here's to making it a little easier for each other. 


Love Priya xoxo